Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Vibrative Relations: A Theory on Astrological Evidence


     Lately in my life, the questions and topics of the astrological signs have become more prevalent. Whether it's the annoying but addicting Facebook reposts of "What signs do this/what signs do that..." or the apps designed to guide your relationship with the other signs, we can all agree that the zodiacal signs are now a heavily influential part of our society.

    But what exactly are they? I have poured over the topics, looking deeply into the zodiac's past and found that most ancient cultures all abided by the zodiac in some way, shape, or form. Even the Jewish temple in Israel has the signs incorporated into its foundation. My first thoughts were that the signs exist for the sole purpose of defining and better understanding ourselves, however after researching the Egyptians and Canaanites (even some Sumerian influence), I have become led to believe that these cultures understood the position of the sun and it's effect on the nature of humanity. Meaning this: If an ancient civilization was in need of more soldiers, politicians, farmers, etc a mother and father could use the position of the sun and the knowledge that people born during certain seasons had certain personality traits, to conceive a child bred for a certain purpose. For instance winter signs (Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn) are often associated with being practical and sturdy leaders, whereas Spring signs see more social and feeling individuals (Aries, Pisces, Taurus). So naturally, if a set of parents wanted their child to have a future in politics they would know when to try and conceive, resulting in a winter birth. More or less, I see the astrological signs serving an ancient agenda, utilized as a tool for humanity's survival and ability to thrive.
Zodiac found on Jewish Temple floor, Israel.
     Still, where do they come from and how do the signs actually work? Well for this I have another theory which I have deemed The Vibrative Relation Theory. It involves the process of imprinting and our senses. To summarize where I intend to go with this, I quote

     "Science reveals that everything in the manifest universe is ultimately composed of packets of energy; quantized units vibrating at specific frequencies. Quantum physicists has shown that, although matter may appear to be solid, when you look at it through a high-powered microscope so that it is broken down into its smallest components: molecules, atoms, neutrons, electrons and quanta (the smallest particles measurable), it is ultimately mostly empty space interspersed with energy. So, in essence everything is comprised of energy and empty space.  Everything that appears solid is the frequency of the vibration of the energy that makes it up. An interesting fact about this is that the denser the object, the higher the speed of vibration. At the same time, the lower the density of an object is, the lower the speed of vibration."

     With the knowledge that everything vibrates and operates at a certain frequency, we have discovered that this phenomena does in fact affect our brainwaves and their function. Ever heard of white noise therapy? Or even brown noise therapy? These are frequencies that are used to adjust mood or promote mediation. My theory is as follows:

     The sun and moon both give off frequencies of their own (radioactive, UV, sound, and electromagnetic), reaching earth between 8 to 15 minutes. Due to the Earth's axis, we have seasons, which obviously means the sun's position is constantly different each day (even slightly). My belief is that upon our body's first ability to sense these frequencies (3 to 4 weeks after initial conception), we are imprinted on by them. Or to better put it, our body associates and connects with these frequencies. This is what I believe your "Moon sign" is. However upon birth, the body is exposed to air for the first time, which cosmic frequencies travel faster and more dense through. Thus imprinting you again, but this time far stronger because your body is being hit at a much stronger and faster rate, overlapping what you sensed after conception and becoming your "Sun sign." Our body then subconsciously connects with these frequencies that are present at the time of birth (position of sun/moon, strength of vibration) resulting in attributed personality traits of the given season.

     At infancy, we experience gravity and light for the first time outside the womb. Our bodies react and adapt. The same happens as we experience the thousands of frequencies that we are exposed to after birth. The frequencies just happen to be different due to the constant movement of the Sun and Earth, resulting in a multitude of different personalities. Perhaps personality is affected by frequency due to our ability to tune "into" energy or perceive it, but for now it is not entirely known. In conclusion, this is just a theory. But it makes sense to say that, since it is already known that many things can be imprinted on us at birth, the first sense of a cosmic vibration can define what a person will be more prone to favor, or feel in life. So next time you see the zodiac signs, see them as different frequencies instead of gods and animals, ultimately helping you understand who you are and where you fit into this sliver of time we call existence.

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