Friday, June 7, 2013

How Skilled Are We NOW?!

This is a blog from my dear friend Seth Howell, addressing his concerns with today's world.

"Calm Seas Never Made A Skilled Sailor."

"How Skilled Are We Now?

No matter where you turn, it's nothing but the roughest seas in history. We still have the staples; More war than ever, unemployment is at a worldwide high, poverty, starvation, slavery, abuse, and imprisonment all nearly record highs. But it gets worse. Our souls are beyond corrupted. They're rotting from the core. Rape goes excused and unpunished, nearly acceptable at this point, or so the courts and judges would have you believe. Sex slavery and human trafficking became the #1 crime in the world in 2010 and hasn't been passed since. Almost 30 million people are held in this sort of predicament worldwide! Know what that means? The means that more slaves exist now than in any other point in history. More slaves than the world population in ancient Egyptian times. More slaves in the last decade than in the 300 years that trans-Atlantic slave trading was legal! But that is only indirectly why I'm writing. 
I'm taking the time to pen(write) this for one reason and that's to exemplify how lost we are, and with all that is wrong with this place, and we simply stand by, watching like it's a reality t.v. show. There are precious few who stand against it, they live and die with honor that is far far lost today. I see this generation. My generation being forced to deal with this brokenness, and I see us failing. The state this world is in may have largely not been our fault, but it is our responsibility not to perpetuate this sickness. This generation is the last chance this world has. It's the turning point. There will be several generations after us, but we determine whether they fight and struggle and eventually perish, or whether they grow and prosper. US. We are the last hope, and that honestly scares the living f**k out of me. There's no other way to put it, this generation is disgraceful for so many reason and I'm ashamed to say I'm part of it. 

That's a good question...
Some say 'you're only as good as your teacher'. Which falls apart fast for obvious reasons (innovation for thousands of years), but I think it's a wake principle. For example, when a large boat moves through the water, it has to work hard to power through the water. It has to disrupt the current in order to push where it wants to go. However, in its wake it's very easy to glide through the water, it's nearly effortless. On the flip-side of that, it takes great effort to break free of that wake. Any change in direction is met with even more resistance than the large boat met in order to create the wake in the first place. See the problem is, the large boat is heading for a rocky shore and has been for a while. I think it's time we finally break free of this wake before everyone suffers.
We have been sailing the roughest of seas for a while now and I know we have the skills to fair out into uncharted waters. I'm sick of excuses and I know I will be better for my grand-children's children, because they deserve the paradise I'm working to build."

-We can surpass the rest, if we only try... 

Transcribed by Mordecai

Monday, May 20, 2013

Denver International Airport

    Being from the Denver area myself, DIA or Denver International Airport has been a large part of my life for as long as I can remember. Seeing those tall white peaks rise above the horizon as we would make the half hour drive just to reach it, is one of the earliest memories I have actually. As a child and into my early pre-teen years, I travelled continuously. My dad had a high paying job that required him to travel every week and since it was just my mom and I, he allowed us to come with him to his many destinations. So airports and how they work, is something I am quite familiar with. This being said, DIA is not a typical airport. In this entry I will provide the facts, theories, and opinions that surround the vast conspiracy that entralls this location.

    First off are the facts. DIA is located 15 miles outside of the city of Denver and is situated on a 33,457 acre spot of land that is larger than the area of Manhattan, New York. In 1995, it replaced Stapleton Airport and had many residents upset with the fact that the airport was so far away from the city. Here is a satellite photo of DIA and its surrounding area.  

    A instant attraction for many radical conspiracy theorists (hence I say radical) is the actual shape of the airport, which is that of a swastika. Continuing on, the airport cost 4.8 billion to construct and for those who helped build it, a "hush hush" rule was implemented. Meaning those who worked on the airport were told not to talk about their jobs, or the airport itself outside of work. The most famous account of this is from Philip Schneider, a structural engineer who worked on the underground bases at Area 51 as well as Deluce, New Mexico. Mr. Schneider claimed that he worked on an underground base that lies eight levels deep (roughly 3 miles) beneath the entire airport and then was asked to keep his silence. This underground base, he said, was intended to be used as a holding facility for a large mass of people. Philip Schneider also made claims about the underground base at DIA being built for the intention of housing aliens. Later, he mentioned its reasoning being global oppression. Photographic and geographic evidence prove that there is an underground facility. For example, there are vents placed around the 33,000 acre area, as well as large tunnel entrances miles away from the airport that no one has explained. For many people, these are valid reasons for the hefty cost of the construction, the secrecy surrounding it, and the 33,000 acre location outside of the city. Now DIA does have an underground facility. This is proven by the underground tramline that connects the three terminals to each other. Any traveller that arrives at the airport must take the tram to the baggage claim. Now having taken that tram for a good 19 years of my life, I can tell you that it is creepier than it sounds. Huge doors and large vats pass by as you travel through the tunnel. The atmosphere is just one of gloom and mystery. To make an odd tale even more odd, Philip Schneider died shortly after releasing these claims about the airport and its secrets. He was strangled and ruled a suicide. Remember... question everything.

Inside the DIA tramline tunnel

    Another oddity about this airport is the artwork that is on display in the baggage claim. Painted by Leo Tanguma, the artworks depict what looks like ethnic cleansing, governmental oppression, utopian living, and secret illuminati "code" for future world dominance. This all, you will have to decide for yourself. I myself, still find this odd. 

    There is also an odd masonic capstone in the main concourse that says the airport belongs to the "New World Airport Commission." If you read closely, it says there is a time capsule beneath the stone to be opened in 2094. Strange? The sheer fact that the masons have this large of a presence here, outside their lodges, raises eyebrows. 

    Lastly, there is a large statue of a blue bronco that welcomes drivers to the airport. It's eyes are red and its demeanor aggressive in nature. Some say that it represents one of the horseman of the apocalypse disguised as a Denver Bronco reference. Regardless of the reason, the statue is still ominous. 

    In conclusion, one thing can be said. There is more to this airport than meets the eye. Whether that it be a FEMA camp intended for the mass execution of unfaithful citizens, an alien experimentation base, or merely a bunker for the global elite to come to for protection. It is something. For the skeptics, this could be nothing more than a bunker for the president, or a housing for food if the ever is a global catastrophe. All in all, it is an intriguing location. 

- Tim

Friday, May 17, 2013

Evolution: Illogical

Many people are taken away by the Theory of Evolution, claiming that it makes sense, and that it's more reasonable than believing in a Divine Creator. They claim that there's no proof of a God of any sort, and that we are just a product, of a continuous process that implies un-caused events, infinite temporal regression, spontaneous generation, and a lot more. But the truth is, there is no justifiable proof of evolution, macro at least. Nothing empirical or reasonable. At least the claims of Creationism and Divine Intervention can be quantified, to a point and it can most definitely be reasoned as well.

But I'm not gonna post about religious dogma, or force anyone to believe in God. I'm merely showing why evolution is false, and why everything pretty much leads to a “higher intelligence”. Whatever one may believe God maybe, they'd have to admit that there's SOMETHING eternal, and that evolution is mostly just a fallacy used to deny or to take away from whatever the “divine” may be. But whatever that higher intelligence may be is a discussion for maybe for a different time.

Evolution: Illogical
Like I stated before, this isn't an attempt to convert anyone, but to reveal the hideously obvious falsities in the Evolutionary Theory. A lot of these facts I have held on to from a younger age, but I also learned a lot from a book called “In The Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood” by Walt Brown. I believe it's a good read for anyone. I will briefly cover some of the topics (just a few favorite of mine) and arguments I have personally used, and more that I have learned form the book (which has done an even better job of explaining some points than I have lol). And this is just me bringing up arguments for the sake of discussion and learning. And these are points simply acknowledging the illegitimacy of evolution using simple arguments. Lets get started:

-Law of Bio-genesis: Now, its safe to say that most of us can agree that smaller processes like microevolution are possible. All it involves is small alterations in chemicals, or changes in shape, size, color, etc, but no increase in complexity. Macroevolution is the side that introduces drastic change in complexity; organs or species. Spontaneous Generation is pretty the emergence of life, from nonliving matter, which defies all observations confirming life comes from life (Law of Bio-genesis) (Brown). Macroevolution is unobserved and no observable species contain any evidence of it.

-Complex Organs: We've heard this argument many times in this topic, but think about it, there isn't any reason to believe that mutation or any natural process could produce new organ such as the eye, ear, or brain. I mean, common! The brain contains 1014 or a hundred thousand billion, electrical connections in your adult life. The heart is a feat of ingenuity, operating about 75 years without rest, lubrication, or maintenance (generally).
-Fully Developed Organs: This seems to be something (among many things) that a lot of people tend to miss. Umm...oh yea! All species are appear fully developed, not partially, as macroevolution inadvertently suggests. No examples of half-developed legs, feathers, eyes, skin, vessels, or whatever are shown. If major parts of a certain species has to change something anatomically or physiologically over time, then that species might die off or devolve from a conflict of transformation over a loooooong period of time, long before that part (organ, skin, wings, etc..) becomes beneficial.

-Altruism: Many organisms, humans included, would risk their safety and sometimes lives to save another, even if the other is of a different species (Brown). This spits rights in the face natural selection, which states that selfish, aggressive, and possibly cheating-like behavior should be adopted or innate for survival. But risky behavior that only benefits the other tends to prevent the passing of genes, due to NON-selfish behavior. Altruism contradicts evolution, and it is shown (Brown).

-Codes an Programs: We have learned that codes are made by intelligence, not by chance or natural processes. “A code is a SET OF RULES for converting information from one useful form to another” (Brown), kind of like Morse Code or Braille. The genetic material that controls the physical processes for all life is CODED INFORMATION, and it's accompanied by complex translation, transmission, and duplication systems, that make genetic material useful and continuing all forms of life (Brown). Supernatural processes had to take place for such elaborate work. It should be also know that no natural processes have been shown to produce a program, which is a planned sequence of steps to accomplish something. Think of computer programs, those don't just “happen”. Some higher intelligence programmed whatever it was that had to be done using computer faculties FOR A REASON. These programs, like all other programs, were developed by a higher intelligence, I mean, that's what SCIENCE will tell you anyways.

Last point I'm going to talk about is Vestigial Organs, which are organs that pretty much have little to no use. Just because a function of an organ is unknown doesn't mean that they are vestiges of organs that were inherited from evolutionary ancestors (Brown). Today, we know at LEAST some function of all the organs that have been discovered. Think of the human appendix, which was once thought as a useless remainder from our evolutionary past. But, we know now that it plays a role in antibody production and protects part of the intestines from infection (Brown). Well now! And check this out, a person with their appendix removed is more like to get leukemia, Hodgkin's disease, cancer of the colon and of the ovaries (Brown). So pretty much, the absence of true vestigial organs implies that evolution, never happened.

SO! Those are just a few arguments I've learned and thought about intensely while contemplating that validity of Evolution. I refuse to believe in something that makes no sense, and that has been drastically been over-exaggerated and mistranslated, probably more times than most religions. So why believe it? No real data, falsified records, theories that have been dismissed by some of the very theorists who created them, the signs pointing to higher intelligence. C'mon! It's time to open your mind and think about it!



Brown, Walt. In The Beginning: Compelling Evidence for Creation and the Flood. !st Edition. Phoenix, Arizona: Center for Scientific Creation, 1995. 5-9. Print.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Ontological Empiricism

    Remember that episode of Family Guy when Peter Griffin made a sarcastic reference about something being as “fun” as a lecture on Ontological Empiricism, and then he was confused?
Well, so was I, and I'm sure your are too. I decided to dabble in a little research on the topic and while ago. Later, I ended up getting a bit more detail from a class I took a year ago as well.

Let me break it down for ya':

Ontology: Something pertaining to being, or existence

Empirical: Of, or relating to the senses. Something that can be experiences through one of the five senses. 

Empiricism: The epistemological study that all knowledge is derived from the senses, tending to lack in rational conclusion. 
Example: The sun, it looks like it rises when in reality, the earth rotates on a tilt, giving the impression that the sun is rising. Though we are seeing it, (it's empirical), it's not true. You can't justify existence and being purely on observation and the senses, because those things change. 

    So when we talk about Ontological Empiricism, what are we inferring? I'll tell you; existence (being) through the senses. Pretty much saying, we only exist (or are aware of it and make sense of it) because we experience it (through touch, taste, smell, etc...), and it kind of falls into the realm of the philosophical movements of Pragmatism, Empiricism, and Existentialism. And although O.E. (Ontological Empiricism for short) has some solid truth, my struggle with it is that it doesn't adhere fully to reason. We all know that stuff exists because we experience it, but experience isn't always objective. People experience and interpret things very differently, which doesn't make for a solid foundation of the nature of our existence and inception. I fail to see it as a true, justified belief, which is composed of real knowledge.  

    Well, that's all I can pull from my head right now, but if you want to know more, or if you feel that I'm missing something, then contact me!


Thursday, May 9, 2013

I, Pet Goat II analyzed

   Alright, for any of you who are new to this video, let me explain the basics. This video was created by the team at Heliofant Productions based out of Canada. They have previously done work for Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within as well as The Lord of the Rings. As to my knowledge, there was no motive stated as to why this short film was created.
    Upon my first time viewing it, I caught on immediately to the blunt and often disturbing symbolism. The first few segments feature a goat being held in a box behind a barbed fence who appears to be hypnotized and passive. (FEMA camps perhaps?). The goat as referenced in Matthew 25:31-33 of the bible, where it talks about during the end times, God separates the sheep from the goats. The goats are those who choose not to follow Christ and are cast into the enteral fire in verse 41. To explain all the symbolism and discuss it would be to long and extensive, so instead I will list off the various symbols and metaphors I found in this video. The rest... you will have to draw for yourself.

- Goat imprisoned (FEMA camps?). Notice the bar code on his forehead. (Mark of the beast?)
- Bush as a puppet being controlled by what appears to be a reptillian or demon like being whose hands are covered in blood. Notice while he dances, the spotlight is in the shape of a pentagram. The twisting of his head representing possession perhaps?
- The various depictions on the school walls and chalk boards. Indicating everything from locations on a map. Evolution scale depicting a goal to become enlightened. Burning houses. To a failed hangman game which clearly is meant to read "evolution."
- Obama who appears as a great deceiver and is frightened by the woman in white. (Revelation 12:1-2 tells us of Israel being described as such. Everything down to the 12 mannequins representing the 12 tribes of Israel)
- The apple she drops perhaps symbolizing Jesus Christ as it roles to the feet of Obama who gets nervous as it blooms into a lotus flower (divine representation). Also notice that there is a coin beneath Obama's foot.
- The camera pans outwards to reveal a world in complete despair. An American flag torn in two. And structures that resemble the twin towers collapsing. A masked man commits suicide as the camera continues to pan out to reveal Osama Bin Laden in CIA uniform. Notice the inverted and red Islamic crescent moon and his soliders dressed as rockets.
- A Christ like figure in a trance and riding in a boat that is based of the Egyptian god Anubis, appears just after the statue of liberty is seen crumbling ontop of the star of David (Anti-Semitic opposition to the US/Israeli alliance?)
- The new age symbols and crown of thorns on the Christ figures head.  
- A fetus being watched over by a TV snake hybrid which shows a reptillian or demon like eye watching over it
- The fetus appears to have been hatched and is now a child being fed by the TV monitor. The pyramid and all seeing eye on the dollar bill serves as the chin of the face given to represent the bankers.
- An Islamic temple being blown apart by jets
- A sobbing mother holding a child who has clearly died.
- A dark figure unwrapping cloth around an African American robot's pregnant stomach. Notice the skull & bones insignia on the shoulder of the figure
- A drowning hispanic man with a hammer and sickle. Definitely a communist reference.
- A rebellious young woman waving a white flag to four oncoming tanks. A nuclear symbol is painted on her cheek.
- Death (grim reaper esque) diverts her attention
- Fish mindlessly flop ontop the Anubis boat of the Christ figure.
- A catholic priest resides in a cathedral built to resemble male genitalia. The priest is transgender and clearly represents the catholic churches battle with sex and fornication.
- A figure with masks dances around a fire (Hindu goddess Shiva, a fish, a bear, and a bird)
- The Christ figure destroys ash made figures of wall street business men.
- The child from before is seen rising up and following him
- The dead boy that was being held by the sobbing woman is now risen from the grave and ascends upward in Islamic dance fashion.
- The Christ figure appears out of a tunnel and towards a bright sun, while a large church is seen crumbling in the background. His crown of thorns gone and fire burns in his eyes. Meteors shoot down from space and hit one of three pyramids seen in the distance.

    I have only covered the basics and I did not include many other minor symbols found in this video. IN the end, watch it for yourself and decide what you think.

- Tim

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Desire to Learn: A Quick Look at Education and Passion

    From my earliest memories going through elementary, middle school, and later on through-out high school, the routine has always been the same. Go into class, listen to a lecture, take notes, memorize the information, and recite the information in written or oral form a week later. Around the end of my high school career, I began to question this method. I would find myself interested in the topics being discussed and studied, however I had no desire or motivation to repeat the knowledge being told to me... I wanted to either see it for myself or do it myself in a real life senario. For instance, math was never my strong point and each night we would have to complete 30 problems for practice, now before I go on... there is nothing wrong with repetition, it is the effectiveness of how often repetition is being depended on that I am discussing. Anyways, for homework, I would have much rather our math instructor given us a senario in which we had to either use geometry to create a blueprint for a home, use algebra and trig to calculate distances, plan cosmic trips, or gather data about the earth, etc. I wanted more than just the give practice problems, memorize and repeat process. I wanted to actually put it into practice.
    All to often these days, do I believe that students are given a rather ineffective educational experience. There is too much pressure to fit a mold. I mean, look at any great philosopher, artist, mathematician, etc of history's past. Chances are that most of them were so great at what they did, because they had a passion for it. They had a desire to create, solve, reason, or question. Now-a-days teachers cram information into 5 page packets and literally ask the student to merely memorize the information. Kids always say two months later that they forgot everything... Well I wonder why. Let's look at the movie "Dead Poets Society."

    English teacher John Keating had the right idea of how to teach a class. Poetry is something felt and taken to heart by both the writer and the reader, thus Mr. Keating teaches the class accordingly. He tells his class to stand on their desks to view the world a different way, helps each individual student with there outlook on life, and instructs the students to rip out the introductory page of a strict and narrow-minded English textbook. In short, he turned the class and its topic into an experience. A memorable one as well. The human mind retains far better when presented with situations where learning is not just told to be memorized, but when it is forced to be memorized by nature. For instance, learning poetry to win a girl, learning equations to bring men back from space, learning the anatomy of animals to save a pet's life, etc.. Instill in the human soul a passion of any sort, and learning will never be an issue. So get out there and discover, find your passion, pursue it, ponder over it, question it, never stop the pursuit for more knowledge.

 - Tim

Brain Energy

    Everything that exists is constantly moving. From your physical movements day by day, to the very atoms you consist of. Thoughts themselves are moving. The energy (which is a form of movement) your body uses to generate thoughts is a physical movement. This often brings up the question of just how strong is our brain? our thoughts? Could we somehow find a way to harness that energy and utilize it?
    The brain pumps out about 100 watts of constant energy, which translates to about 20% of your metabolic consumption. In other words, the brain gives off the same amount of energy as a common light bulb (ironic haha). If humanity found a way to either increase this amount of energy or funnel it into a power source... what would we make of it? Imagine this... If you take the common attendance of a baseball game, lets say 23,000 people, and each individual harnesses 100 watts of energy... you would have 2,300,000 watts generated, making 2.3 megawatts. Basic multiplication here lol. BUT. Imagine that much energy at one moment. 2.3 megawatts is how much energy is generated by one of these:

   If humanity found a way to somehow systematically fuse all the brain energy of a town or a city's population... We may be able to power our homes, cars, electronics, etc with nothing but our natural brain waves. The answer to our energy crisis may have been residing in our heads all along. Literally. I am one to believe that we have only merely grazed the surface of our human potential. What more secrets are there to discover? 

- Tim.

Hello and Welcome to The Holomovement!

Hello everyone! This is a blog run and operated by both Christian G. Norris and myself (Tim Franzkowiak). For those of you who know us personally, you know of our love for conspiracies, science, philosophypsychology, theology, and cosmology (as well as any random topics that pop up). Therefore, we have been in need of a place to post our musings and thoughts/ideas/opinions for all of you readers to dig your teeth into. We will make an effort to post as often as we can and spread this blog though-out the many social networking sites that exist now-a-days. So without any further explanation, enjoy!

- Tim.